Online game Sci-Fighters. Play online free game Sci-Fighters. Download game Sci-Fighters. Games Adventure - Funny
Sci-Fighters game is very simple and full of surprises. It can be played as one, and another. The first player plays with \ \"Arrow keys \\" and \ \"mouse \\".
© - free online game Sci-Fighters ().
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Game Description Sci-Fighters online. How to play the game online Sci-Fighters game is very simple and full of surprises. It can be played as one, and another. The first player plays with \ \"Arrow keys \\" and \ \"mouse \\". One player plays with the \ \"W, S, Keys D \\" and \ \"Space \\" key. Choose the nature of higher quality to run the game. You're going to fight in different arenas. According to the type of the arena, the space will be a monster in the middle of the field. Controlled using the keyboard, and beware their hero monster.